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If you got here some other way, I’ll repeat something from the Standards and Use Policy page:
Is everything “free” at & EFLsuccess?
Yes, but… I’m very grateful to the many Netizens who keep my costs low by offering free software like WordPress and Filezilla, creating the free WordPress templates and plugins we use, posting news and definitions for free and what not, so I also choose not to charge anything posted at, or But if you want to help with the costs of maintaining this site, and encourage me to keep adding to it…
Here’s a way to make a donation (to “Michael Krigline”) via Paypal or credit card.
This donation button is here for your convenience (you can enter any amount); you receive no goods or services for your donation, and donations are not tax-deductible according to US tax laws.
Thanks for using and supporting and!; ©Michael Krigline, all rights reserved. Our resources were created for our students under my understanding of “fair use” for educational resources. As far as I am concerned, website visitors are allowed to print/copy these materials for personal or classroom use. For details, see our Website Standards and Use Policy.
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